by Douglas M. Curran
Embark on a thrilling adventure with "Gorillaphobia and the King Kong Kid" by Douglas M. Curran! Meet Kyle, a boy plagued by an irrational fear of gorillas, earning him the nickname King Kong Kid. Despite never facing a real gorilla, Kyle's phobia follows him everywhere. However, when he confronts the legendary King Kong, his world is turned upside down. Join Kyle on a humorous and exciting journey as he overcomes his fears in unexpected ways. Perfect for readers seeking a blend of humor and adventure, this indie gem will captivate fans of unique children's books. Find out how Kyle conquers his Gorillaphobia in this delightful tale that promises a surprise-filled ending.
Meet Kyle, a kid with a peculiar problem – he's terrified of gorillas!
Dubbed the King Kong Kid by his schoolmates, Kyle struggles with his irrational fear, which seems to have no logical explanation. Despite never encountering a gorilla in real life, Kyle's phobia follows him everywhere, from his morning routine to his dreams at night. But when he finds himself face-to-face with the legendary King Kong, everything changes.
Join Kyle on a exciting journey filled with humor, adventure, and a surprising solution to his Gorillaphobia.
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