by Dave Spacer
Embark on an electrifying journey into a world transformed by cutting-edge technology in "Project Mind River" by Dave Spacer. In this gripping Science Fiction novel, tech leaders warn of an unprecedented threat to humanity posed by artificial intelligence. When accidental deaths plague the nation, inventor Tara and two FBI agents must unravel the mystery before it's too late, delving into a thrilling blend of action, adventure, crime, and futuristic technology. Explore a riveting narrative that explores the dark side of AI and the consequences of playing god with technology. Discover why readers are raving about this indie title that offers a fresh take on Sci-Fi storytelling. Get your hands on "Project Mind River" now on
Tech leaders warned AI is an existential threat to humanity, but not in the way you've heard until now. (Science Fiction AI Artificial Intelligence Action Adventure Crime Mystery Futuristic Technology - Book 1)
In the near future, the world has changed in wonderful and dangerous ways.
Tara invented a sentient AI, but it was lost in a fire.
Many accidental deaths are happening throughout the country. The only problem is that many of them are government agents or criminals.
Tara and two FBI agents need to find out what's happening before it's too late.
The future is in jeopardy. Read the Sci-Fi story of what tech leaders fear.
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