by Guy Silver
Welcome to the world of Genostock: Uno, a thought-provoking science fiction novel by Guy Silver. In this gripping tale, a wiser humanity thrives under the watchful eye of Gaia, while powerful Labs create a new order with genetically engineered animals. Follow the intertwined fates of a farm boy with hidden talents, a highborn lady facing family secrets, and a cannibal who uncovers a world-shattering secret. As they navigate personal struggles, external forces threaten mankind's rule over nature. Praised as a "brilliant page-turner" and a "highly inventive novel," Genostock: Uno promises a unique and captivating reading experience that will challenge your imagination. Dive into this thrilling saga today and discover a world of wonder and danger.
A wiser humanity worships Gaia, and the mighty Labs manufacture a variety of animals to serve society. Abundance and prosperity are everywhere, yet for a few individuals life is a hard struggle: A shy farm boy who refuses to acknowledge the nature of his exceptional skills; a highborn damsel whose luxurious existence is threatened by a web of family intrigue; and a young cannibal who makes an incredible discovery that forever changes his world. As the three forge their shared destinies, outside forces are determined to challenge the supremacy of mankind and alter the natural order.
Genostock book trailer:
What readers have to say:
“A most original and exciting book"
“A brilliant page-turner”
“A powerful experience that ignites your imagination and challenges your thinking”
“A highly inventive and sweeping novel that works on many levels"
“Once you’ve picked it up, you can’t put it down”
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