by Curt O'Riley
Discover the gripping historical novel, "I Am Daliah", by Curt O'Riley. Set during the devastating years of the Holocaust, this powerful story follows Wilhelm Thomas as he faces an impossible decision. When he discovers Daliah Avner, a young Jewish girl hiding in the rubble, he must choose between loyalty to his country and loyalty to his conscience. Will he deliver her to a concentration camp or help her find freedom?
As Daliah fights for survival, her family already taken away, the clock is ticking. Will she evade capture and find her way to freedom, or will she be discovered and face the unimaginable fate that awaits her?
If you are a fan of indie book titles and seek a thought-provoking and emotionally charged story, "I Am Daliah" is a must-read. Available on, this gripping tale will keep you on the edge of your seat.
Survival or Morality?
A fateful decision awaits Wilhelm Thomas when he discovers a young Jewish girl hiding in the rubble—will he take her to a concentration camp or help her find freedom? Against all odds, Wilhem must choose between loyalty to his country and loyalty to his conscience.
Daliah Avner is a nineteen-year-old Jewish girl struggling to survive the Holocaust. Her family has already been taken away and she must find a way to freedom before it is too late.
Will she make it? Or be discovered?
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