by Steven Richard Harris
Embark on a transformative journey through Mexico in the mid-1990s with "Desert of Solitude" by Steven Richard Harris. Follow Max as he escapes a life of privilege to seek meaning, only to find himself immersed in a country on the brink of change. From encounters with captivating individuals to exploring the depths of his own soul, Max is faced with life-altering choices that will shape his destiny and the future of a nation in turmoil. Harris expertly weaves historical fiction with psychology, delivering a gripping tale of love, loss, and revolution. Perfect for readers seeking inspiration and a unique indie book experience. Dive into "Desert of Solitude" and discover a story where solitude transforms into solidarity, offering a beacon of hope in a world yearning for change.
From Mexico City to Chiapas; a search for meaning becomes a fight for justice.
Fleeing an apathetic life of privilege, Max embarks upon a journey through a Mexico in the mid-1990s struggling to find its identity in the world. A Mexico in emotional and political turmoil as the discontent of the impoverished indigenous population in Chiapas slowly boils to the surface.
As Max travels from Mexico City, the Gulf coast, Yucatán Peninsula and finally into the depths of the jungle in Chiapas, his life is hijacked by the people he finds on his way: A lone traveller that will tear him apart; a charming revolutionary leader; an indigenous freedom fighter; a maverick presidential candidate; and a lover who will inspire him to fight for a cause worth dying for.
The deeper into Mexico he goes, the darker the places he discovers inside himself; inside the different, conflicting versions of himself. A journey within a journey. A journey into and out of his very being, where his academic travel companion is not what he seems. A journey full of choices that will not only shape who Max is, but also the fate of a society that he has become part of.
Desert of Solitude is a story of love, loss, revolution. Where solitude becomes solidarity, and solidarity attempts to bring about the change that a country, and its people, sorely needs.
Steven Richard Harris skilfully blends historical fiction with psychology with his trademark descriptive prose, where we´re once again reminded of the power of the mind to not only create, but destroy.
"The Motorcycle Diaries meets Mr Robot – in the jungle".
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