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Lifetimes & Life's Lines

Lifetimes & Life's Lines

by Kevin Heaton

FBT review:

Step into the vibrant world of "Lifetimes & Life's Lines" by Kevin Heaton, a newly released indie poetry collection that will ignite your imagination and inspire your soul. This captivating book offers a refuge from the challenges of our time, providing a celebration of hope, inspiration, and the beauty of nature. With its poetic pictorials, it encapsulates the essence of living life to the fullest. For readers seeking a unique and uplifting experience, this collection is a must-read. Whether you're perusing bestseller lists or seeking recommendations on popular blogs, "Lifetimes & Life's Lines" will captivate you with its heartfelt words and leave you inspired to embrace every moment of your own journey. Available now on

Publisher Description:

In the dance of words, a great poetry collection should invite us to age more joyfully. Its yellowing pages & timeless verses should give rise to a celebration of life's extreme pendulum swings. Each time we reread that work, we will find ourselves feeling more & more a part of it until, at some whimsical point, we will wish to never leave it:

"Pause. Enter the enchantment of woodland serenity. Witness a newborn fawn unwind the umbilical embrace, & take her stand. Accept that all you are, is not all there is."

- from Be Still & Know

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