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The Way Of Wicca

The Way Of Wicca

by Heather Blackthorn

FBT review:

Embark on a transformative journey with "The Way Of Wicca" by Heather Blackthorn, a captivating exploration of ancient traditions and powerful magick. Discover the origins of Wiccan practices, set up your altar, and align with the Wheel Of The Year. Uncover your inner witch with insights into the 17 types of witches and the magick associated with each path. Delve into over 50 spells, from love to purification, and learn to craft your own potions and incantations. Stay protected with knowledge on countering dark arts and evolve as a witch by creating personalized rituals. Join author Heather Blackthorn on a path of enlightenment and empowerment. Experience the magic within "The Way Of Wicca," available now on

Publisher Description:

Discover Your Fate Within

Paganism and Pagan Praticioners themselves have been broadly persecuted for well over 3000 years.
Despite their clear support from all continents and millions of people.

But Why?

What is it that lies within that scare the combative religious institutions all around the globe?
Ancient ways, powerful magick, traditions & beliefs that elevate their practitioners.... Well, yes to all and so much more.


In this book, I will start by giving you insight into the Wiccan ways of life in the 21st Century. The origins and their deities.
How to get started, finding yourself, setting up your alter and temple. With all the tools needed to safely thrive.
The values and standards within you and what witch you will likely embody or should.

The Wheel Of The Year!
Take a look at the annual cycles all types of witches follow and are drawn too.
The Winter and Summer Solstice, The Equinoxes & Sabbats all Witches are spiritually drawn to.
The Moon Phases and Esbats.

Don't ignore your Astrology.
The 12 Zodiac signs and their meaning for you, this is important for which path you will follow.

Discover the 17 types of witch you will likely become and what this means for your way of life.
Aswell as the types of magick that follow each path.
Green / Herbal
Tarot and Oil
Fire and Candles
Rune, Stone and Crystals
and more
Once you are more centered on which path you will follow and the types of magick accompanying it.
You are ready to become a spell caster!
Inside are over 50:
Spells from love, purification and anti hexes
Tea, Balms and Salves
Oil, lotions and Incense potions
Methods to Store - Jar Spells
Magick - Fire, Nature, Candles, Moon, Green, Nature, Crystal and Stones including Runes, Tarot and Oil
Rest assured this spell compendium will have you ready to thrive in the chaos of this realm.
Before you go, I have a whole section on the dark arts, everything you must know to counter the hexes and curses placed on you or the ones you protect.
This is important, the dark arts is cunning and always looking for victims to turn to their ways.
Of course, it is tempting and always will be, but I want to help you be a force for good and stay away from the satanic, blood-magic worshipers.
I believe this path will only cause you pain and sorrow.
Finally, you must know the ways to evolve as a witch, creating your own spells and sabbats tailored to you.
Let me help you here like so many have helped me.

I hope you will bless me by joining me on your journey.

Yours Faithfully,

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