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Song to the Siren

Song to the Siren

by Barb Lien-Cooper and Park Cooper

FBT review:

Enter a world of mystery and music with "Song to the Siren" by Barb Lien-Cooper and Park Cooper. Delve into the captivating tale of two filmmakers as they unravel the enigmatic death of Reed Sinclair, founder of indie rock group The Big Carnival. Through the lens of photographer Samantha MacNamara, the story unfolds with a blend of tragedy and the supernatural, keeping readers on the edge of their seats. This compelling fantasy novel explores the blurred lines between reality and perception, inviting readers to contemplate the unknown. If you enjoy indie book titles that offer a unique twist, "Song to the Siren" is a must-read that will enchant and intrigue.

Publisher Description:

When two young documentary filmmakers start investigating the enigmatic death of the infamous Reed Sinclair, founder of the never-quite-made-it indie rock group The Big Carnival-- specifically, by interviewing Reed's former girlfriend, photographer Samantha ("Sam") MacNamara-- she tells them the story of herself, Reed, and a frightening entity that may have simply been how Reed's troubled mental state interpreted multiple tragedies and coincidences in his life... or she may have been a supernatural being...

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