by Mera Akiana
Immerse yourself in the fantastical world of "Bond and Song" by Mera Akiana, a gripping tale of love, sacrifice, and the power of feminine strength. Journey through a realm where emotions run wild and destinies intertwine, as two souls navigate the complexities of saving their world while holding on to their love. With a mesmerizing dual POV narrative, this sensual romance will captivate readers who crave enchanting storytelling and profound spiritual depth. Perfect for fans of Josephine Angelini and Laini Taylor, this debut novel offers a transcendent experience that will linger in your heart long after you've turned the final page. Discover the magic of "Bond and Song" today.
“...heartbreakingly beautiful. I read a lot of books and I don’t feel like I’ve ever read anything quite like this. It touched my soul.”
Would you save your world if it means sacrificing your love–and shattering your sanity?
My reality isn’t reliable. My world isn’t my own. The sensations zinging through my body and visions flashing through my mind—they are everyone’s emotions everywhere. Even everywhen. And I’m drowning in the onslaught.
In my mosaic of madness, I cling to snatches of green eyes wrapped in a velvet voice and soothing masculine scent. Until a desperate, far-fetched bid to salvage my sanity leads me into the Courts of the sensual, nature-connected Sung—and staring into those same smaragdine eyes.
The Sung keep Earth in balance by dancing in the Dark Song, the fabric of life. Here, among the energy-weaving witches and their fiercely devoted protectors, in the Heart Courts of the Queens, I have a destined place. I find hope. And I come home to a love long lost and half-remembered.
But the world is drowning, too; unravelling under the pressure of a humanity that has lost its way. And when the scales tip into disaster, I find myself on the edge of a cliff. If I leap, I may be able to save us. But when I leap, I will feel everything, until everything is all there is—and there is nothing of me left.
Will I be able to remember our love if I can’t even remember myself? For the Song is life…but can our love survive its depths?
Heartbreaking beauty and spiritual depth meet in this mesmerising sensual romance told in dual POV. Discover this fresh and unique take on witches and feminine power.
“...oh-so fiercely romantic and deliciously sensuous…”
“I felt truly sucked into a deep emotional whirlpool… don’t sit on this. It’s worth the read.”
“The love story is epic…and will stay with me.”
“...has become one of my all-time favourites!”
"Brilliant, beautiful, and profound. A fantasy so real that it speaks deep truth."
A transcendent and blazing fantasy romance debut. Perfect for fans of Josephine Angelini and Laini Taylor.
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