by Dottie Lee
Embark on a whimsical adventure with "Frances Flamingo: Prima Ballerina" by Dottie Lee. Follow Frances, a unique and pink-loving flamingo, as she navigates a new world after being separated from her flock during a storm. Join her as she discovers the magic of ballet, friendship, and self-acceptance. With a heartwarming tale of embracing individuality and the power of kindness, this children's book is a delightful read for all ages. Awarded 5 stars by Readers' Favorite and winner of the 2023 Firebird Book Author Award for Diversity, this enchanting story is sure to captivate and inspire. Take a leap into Frances Flamingo's world and experience a journey like no other. Available on
Join Frances Flamingo on an extraordinary journey. When a raging storm separates Frances from her migrating flock, she is propelled into an exciting new world. Seeking refuge in the park, Frances is surprised to find ballerinas wearing pink tutus and not her flamingo family. When invited to join their ballet class, Frances wonders . . . is she too tall? . . . Is she too pink? But her new friends convince her that her flamingo style is just right. Frances discovers the power of kindness and the gift of being unique. By embracing new experiences, she found friendship, self-discovery, and an unforgettable adventure.
Readers' Favorite - 5 Star Review
2023 Firebird Book Author Award - Category: Diversity
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