by Mary Hallberg
Discover a mesmerizing tale of love, power, and sacrifice in "The Immortals" by Mary Hallberg. In a world plagued by economic collapse, sixteen-year-old McKenzie Palmer finds herself chosen to join the elite Immortals - granted eternal youth and boundless wealth. As she navigates this luxurious yet treacherous new world, McKenzie must decide between her newfound love for fellow Immortal Gage and the warnings of her grandfather, a former Immortal who left the lifestyle behind. Delving into themes of morality and desire, this young adult sci-fi/romance novel raises the question: is immortality truly worth the cost? Dive into "The Immortals" and explore a gripping narrative that challenges the allure of eternal beauty and power.
McKenzie Palmer is only 16, but she’s going to live forever.
Well, maybe.
Ten years ago, a devastating economic collapse drove most of the United States into poverty. The only citizens who are free from money worries are the Immortals. Those lucky enough to be chosen are given unlimited access to a life prolonging drug called TNV and lifelong grants to sustain their lavish lifestyles. It’s a position many would kill for.
But when McKenzie is selected for this honor, she’s apprehensive. McKenzie’s grandfather was an Immortal, one of the few who left. He’s always told her how unlimited money and power corrupts most Immortals, and she doesn’t want to lose who she is.
But when McKenzie meets a handsome young Immortal named Gage, grandpa’s warnings fall by the wayside.
The more McKenzie falls for Gage, the deeper into the world of the Immortals she goes — and the more she realizes how right her grandpa is. But if she leaves, she’ll lose her boyfriend, her eternal youth and her large income. With one foot in each world, McKenzie has to make the toughest decision of her young — and possibly eternal — life.
The Immortals is a young adult sci-fi/romance novel that explores the theme of whether eternal youth, beauty and power are really worth it in the end.
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