by Luke Swanson
Embark on a thrilling holiday mystery in "Curtains on A Christmas Carol" by Luke Swanson. Set in the charming town of Tennant Park, Colorado, this riveting tale unfolds during the annual production of "A Christmas Carol". When a shocking discovery hints at a planned on-stage murder, the entire cast becomes suspect. Teena, a member of the theatre group, must solve the mystery before it's curtains for Scrooge and the show. With a mix of seasoned actors and newcomers, the stakes are high as Teena races against time to crack the case and save the day. Perfect for fans of indie mysteries seeking a festive read with a twist.
It's December in Tennant Park, Colorado, and that can only mean one thing: The annual production of "A Christmas Carol" is just around the corner. The cast is abuzz, full of community-theatre veterans and fresh-faced newcomers. All in this small mountain town is merry and bright...
Until Teena, one of the actors, makes a chilling discovery on opening night: Someone is going to murder Scrooge-or, rather, the actor playing Scrooge-right on stage, in front of the entire audience. Everyone in the cast is a suspect. Can Teena crack the case, save Scrooge, and figure out whogonnadoit... all while remembering her lines?
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