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10 Best Books Like 'No Longer Human' by Osamu Dazai
15th September 2023 Credit: Chau Luong

10 Best Books Like 'No Longer Human' by Osamu Dazai

Osamu Dazai's masterpiece, "No Longer Human," delves deep into the human psyche, laying bare the raw complexities of a tormented soul. This haunting and introspective novel has left an indelible mark on literature, resonating with those who grapple with the profound questions of identity, isolation, and the darkness within. If you've been mesmerized by Dazai's exploration of the human condition and are eager to embark on similar introspective journeys, you're in for an intellectual and emotional odyssey.

In "Exploring the Abyss of Existence: 10 Best Books Like 'No Longer Human,'" we venture into a realm of literature that shares the same spirit of introspection and existential exploration. These novels offer narratives that peel back the layers of human existence, exposing vulnerability, isolation, and the search for meaning. Whether you're seeking to unravel the complexities of the human soul or yearning for profound and thought-provoking reads, this list presents a selection of literary gems that echo the sentiments of "No Longer Human."


by Natsume Sōseki


Looking for your next captivating read? Look no further than "Kokoro" by Natsume Sōseki. This acclaimed Japanese novel explores the complexities of human relationships and themes of isolation, love, and cultural transition. Set in the early 20th century, the story follows an unnamed protagonist as he navigates his friendship with a mysterious older man. As their bond deepens, the protagonist is forced to confront his own suppressed emotions and the weight of societal expectations. With its rich prose and introspective narrative, "Kokoro" is a timeless masterpiece that will leave readers contemplating the intricacies of the human heart. Immerse yourself in Sōseki's lyrical storytelling and discover why "Kokoro" continues to be hailed as one of the best books of all time.

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The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea

by Yukio Mishima

The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea

Are you looking for your next gripping read? Look no further than "The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea" by Yukio Mishima. This famous book is a must-read for all literary enthusiasts. Follow the story of a sailor who becomes entangled in a tragic love affair, causing him to question his own place in society. With its powerful themes of alienation, betrayal, and youth rebellion, this book is sure to keep you captivated from start to finish. Whether you enjoy psychologically complex characters or thought-provoking narratives, "The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea" will satisfy your literary appetite. Add this acclaimed title to your reading list today and prepare to be blown away.

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The Metamorphosis

by Franz Kafka

The Metamorphosis

Discover the mesmerizing tale of "The Metamorphosis" by Franz Kafka, a timeless masterpiece that continues to captivate readers all over the world.

In this shocking and thought-provoking novella, Kafka explores the theme of alienation as the protagonist, Gregor Samsa, wakes up one morning to find himself transformed into a giant insect. As Gregor grapples with his newfound insect form, he becomes increasingly isolated from society, his family, and even himself.

"The Metamorphosis" delves into the complexities of identity, existentialism, and the human condition, provoking profound questions about the nature of existence. Kafka's evocative prose and unique narrative style make this book an essential read for those who appreciate deep exploration of the human psyche.

Embark on an extraordinary journey through the pages of "The Metamorphosis" and let Kafka's haunting words challenge your perceptions and ignite your imagination.

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by Jean-Paul Sartre


Nausea, written by Jean-Paul Sartre, is a captivating novel that explores the depths of human existence and the senselessness of modern life. This thought-provoking book delves into the life of Antoine Roquentin, who becomes plagued by a strange sensation of nausea that forces him to question his very existence. As Roquentin delves deeper into his existential crisis, the reader is taken on a journey filled with philosophical musings and introspection. Sartre's powerful prose and vivid descriptions transport readers into the mind of his troubled protagonist, making Nausea a compelling read for those seeking intellectual stimulation. With its exploration of existentialism and profound insights into the human condition, Nausea is a must-read for anyone in search of a thought-provoking and intellectually challenging book.

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The Stranger

by Albert Camus

The Stranger

Looking for an inspirational book to dive into? Look no further than "The Stranger" by Albert Camus. This renowned novel has captivated readers around the world with its thought-provoking narrative. Set in 1940s Algiers, the story follows the life of Meursault, a detached and indifferent man who finds himself entangled in a perplexing murder trial. With its exploration of existentialism, societal norms, and the absurdity of life, "The Stranger" is a gripping and intellectual read that will leave you pondering its deeper meaning. If you're searching for a bestseller that challenges your perspective and sparks contemplation, "The Stranger" is an essential addition to your reading list. Get ready to embark on a captivating journey through the mind of one of the greatest writers of the 20th century.

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In Search of Lost Time

by Marcel Proust

In Search of Lost Time

"In Search of Lost Time" by Marcel Proust is a literary masterpiece that has captivated readers for decades. This renowned book takes readers on a profound journey through the themes of memory, love, and the passage of time. Proust's intricate storytelling and rich character development make this novel a must-read for those seeking a profound and thought-provoking experience.

With its lyrical prose and detailed observations of everyday life, "In Search of Lost Time" offers a glimpse into the intricacies of human existence. Explore the complex relationships, societal norms, and inner thoughts of the characters as you lose yourself in Proust's world.

If you are a discerning reader in search of a transformative literary experience, "In Search of Lost Time" should be at the top of your reading list. Discover why this book remains a timeless classic and delve into the depths of Proust's brilliant storytelling.

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The bell jar

by Sylvia Plath

The bell jar

"The Bell Jar" by Sylvia Plath is a must-read for any book enthusiast searching for a powerful and thought-provoking story. Plath's only novel, it presents a gripping and raw narrative of a young woman's descent into mental illness. Set in the 1950s, the book explores themes of identity, societal expectations, and the pressures faced by women. Plath's poetic writing style captures the protagonist's struggles with haunting clarity, making it a compelling and immersive read. As a timeless classic, "The Bell Jar" continues to resonate with readers, offering a unique perspective on the human experience and inspiring introspection. Whether you're seeking a critically acclaimed bestseller or an emotionally charged tale, this novel deserves a spot at the top of your reading list.

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Notes from Underground

by Fyodor Dostoevsky

Notes from Underground

"Notes from Underground" is a compelling and thought-provoking novel by Fyodor Dostoevsky. This timeless classic explores the complex psyche of a nameless underground man living in 19th-century Russia. Filled with existential musings, social critique, and psychological turmoil, this book delves into the depths of human nature and the alienation felt in modern society. Dostoevsky's powerful prose and introspective narration make this a captivating read for those seeking profound insights and philosophical ponderings. Whether you are a fan of Russian literature or simply love diving into the depths of the human soul, "Notes from Underground" is a must-read that will leave you contemplating life and society long after you turn the final page. Discover this literary masterpiece and find inspiration in its profound exploration of the human condition.

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by John Williams


Stoner, written by John Williams, is a book that has captured the hearts of countless readers. Set in the early 20th century, this beautifully written novel tells the story of William Stoner, a man who strives for academic excellence and finds solace in literature. As his life unfolds, Stoner grapples with personal and professional challenges, making this a deeply relatable and thought-provoking read.

Known for its poetic prose and profound exploration of the human condition, Stoner has gained a cult following and has been hailed as a modern classic. Whether you're a literature enthusiast or simply looking for an exceptional book to dive into, Stoner is sure to leave a lasting impression. Don't miss your chance to join the ranks of readers who have been profoundly moved by this remarkable novel.

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The Plague

by Albert Camus

The Plague

Looking for a captivating read that challenges your perspective on life? Look no further than "The Plague" by Albert Camus. This influential novel takes place in the city of Oran, besieged by a deadly outbreak of the bubonic plague. As the citizens grapple with fear, despair, and isolation, Camus explores profound existential themes. This thought-provoking masterpiece forces readers to confront their own mortality and consider the meaning of human existence in the face of adversity. With its powerful storytelling, "The Plague" has become a classic in literature, captivating readers and earning its place among the best books of all time. Pick up a copy today and prepare to be mesmerized by Camus' brilliance.

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As we conclude our exploration of these profound books, it's evident that the themes of human existence, identity, and introspection continue to captivate readers seeking to plumb the depths of the human soul. Each of these novels, much like "No Longer Human," invites us to confront the complexities of being and the darkness that often resides within.

Whether you're drawn to the raw vulnerability of the characters, the exploration of existential questions, or the search for meaning in a chaotic world, these books provide a rich tapestry of introspective narratives. They remind us that, in our shared humanity, we are all grappling with our own existential dilemmas, searching for connection, and seeking to understand the enigma of existence itself.

May these books serve as guides and mirrors, reflecting the myriad facets of human experience and offering solace and illumination to those who dare to explore the abyss of existence.